“Meet Me in Montana,” a heartfelt duet recorded by Dan Seals and Marie Osmond, resonates as a poignant narrative of love, dreams, and reunion against the backdrop of Montana’s scenic beauty. Released in July 1985, the song served as the lead-off single for Seals’ album “Won’t Be Blue Anymore” and the second single from Osmond’s album “There’s No Stopping Your Heart.”
Penned by Paul Davis, who later collaborated with Osmond on the successful duet “You’re Still New to Me,” “Meet Me in Montana” swiftly ascended to the top of the Billboard Hot Country Singles chart in October 1985. This achievement marked Seals’ first No. 1 hit and Osmond’s second chart-topper, following her debut with “Paper Roses” in 1973.
The song’s lyrical content chronicles the separate journeys of two lovers pursuing their ambitions—him in country music and her in Hollywood. Despite initial failures and setbacks, they find solace in the idea of reuniting in Montana, where they hope to forge a future together. The narrative poignantly captures themes of resilience, love, and the allure of home amidst life’s challenges.
“Meet Me in Montana” not only resonated with audiences through its evocative storytelling but also showcased the harmonious blend of Seals’ and Osmond’s voices, creating a timeless duet that continues to evoke nostalgia and emotional resonance.
Beyond its chart-topping success, the song’s enduring appeal has been marked by live performances, often featuring Osmond’s brother Merrill Osmond as her duet partner following Dan Seals’ passing in 2009. This continuity highlights the song’s significance in both artists’ careers and its lasting impact on country music enthusiasts worldwide.
In conclusion, “Meet Me in Montana” stands as a testament to the power of music to convey profound emotions and narratives, capturing the essence of love, hope, and reunion against the picturesque backdrop of Montana’s landscape.
Wrote my whole life down in an old book,
Songs about you and me.
Been singing to every soul in Tennessee.
Nobody seems to listen,
No one ever smiles the way that you do.
So I guess you never hear me on the radio,
And I’d give up this crazy dream of mine to hold you once more.Won’t you meet me in Montana.
I want to see the mountains in your eyes.
Woah, woah, I had all of this life I can handle.
Meet me underneath that big Montana sky.I left home for Hollywood.
Lookin’ for a part to play.
Well you always said I had such a pretty face.
But, I guess I’m not that pretty,
‘Cause no one looks at me the way you do.
Well you’ll always be a movie star to me.
Darlin’ now I guess it’s time that I let go of that dream.Won’t you meet me in Montana
I want to see the mountains your eyes.
Woah, Woah I had all of this life I can handle
Meet me underneath that big Montana sky.Well were stuck here in these hills that they call mountains.
Darlin’ back home in your arms is right where I want to be.
Won’t you meet me in Montana
I want to see the mountains your eyes.
Woah, Woah I had all of this life I can handle
Meet me underneath that big Montana sky.In Montana.
I want to see the mountains in your eyes.
Woah, woah, I had all of this life that I can handle.
Meet me underneath that big Montana sky.